Thursday, December 02, 2004

the BIG picture.

it's 3.18 am. people tend to miss the BIG picture. the dream. the whole point of doing something, everything and anything! the BIG picture. we sometimes totally miss it, even when it is on fire and there's a big frame encompassing it painted in bright colours.

it's sad but true. we have a wide peripheral vision but there are blind spots and we are most definitely missing out sometimes.

i don't claim to be a man who gets it all the time. but i do indeed dare say that i endeavour not to miss it to the best of my abilities. after all, that's all we can do. many times in life, shit will happen. and because of that, some people just lose it. and totally lose sight of the 'bigger picture'.

i totally agree that some f*ck-ups are irreparable and that sometimes the bigger picture can be lost. however, i do not believe that the bigger picture is something that is so easily shaken. many times, the bigger picture is still there despite all of the f*ck-ups. and it is still attainable but people don't see it. they miss it. and it all becomes one big cluster of a shit situation.

see - when shit happens - as it will most definitely -(life i s realistically depressing in that sense)- then as far as i can tell, there's only one thing to do then. that is to make the best out of a bad situation. and i truly believe that more often than not, the big picture will still materialise. perhaps not in the way one would have expected but it will happen.

if i was being truly positive here, i would even go as far as to say that the BIG picture is always there. no matter what happens. it's always there. even if you keep screwing up. it's a mantle that will forever be raised above the water, above the chaos and it will survive even armaggeddon.

but let's be real here. there are lots of BIG pictures out there. and sometimes - when something really shitty happens. the BIG picture's gone and you might not even remember what it looked like in the 1st place. take for instance if X was in love with Y. and the BIG picture for X was always that he would fall in love with Y. he would marry her. he would love her with all his heart. he would stay alive for as long as he could just so that he could spend one more night holding her as they slept. this was the BIG picture for him.

this BIG picture can die. it can fall off its mantle. it can drown in the flood. if Y were to simply say that she didn't love him and that she never would.

i'm sure there are many other types of examples. but let me stick to my guns here and say that it takes a lot to kill off the BIG picture most of the time. always try to make the best out of a bad situation. life's too short not to. and if you think you're gonna live forever, well then it simply makes more sense to make the best out of a bad situation rather than to react badly to an already bad situation.

open your eyes. look at the BIG picture.

signing off, the common jack amongst the kings and queens.

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