Thursday, January 13, 2005

feeling depressed?

it's 8.40 pm.

feeling low? rather depressed?
well, get a beer, have a lie down ... it gets worse.

when you start thinking that it can't get any worse - it does. if you believe that all the shit has already gone down and the worst is over - take a good look around baby - it ain't over till the fat lady sings and the bad news is that she's been missing for a while and nobody knows where the hell she's at.

so what can you do when life gets that way?

i always thought that if shit happens - well - it happens. you can't stop it. it's something that you can't control. i try not to even worry about it. when it happens - there's only one thing to do - you try your best to overcome the situation and if that's not good enough - you try again. that's really all there is to do.

you could of course decide to get all fucked up and just scuff everything and be like, "it's all shit anyway ... so why bother?" ... but that's just stupid. really - that's just stupid.

so i've made it a point to try and do the right thing as far as i possibly can. but it's getting tiring. i hoped that cumulatively - doing the right thing will get me somewhere / something ... but here i am and i've got NUTs.

i guess it's true - good guys do finish last eh? or maybe i'm NOT that good after all. ah well - who the fuck knows? i don't really care anymore.

to be honest, i'm a little sick of being me at the moment. good or bad - i don't care anymore. don't i sound like a conceited self absorbed son of a bitch right now? hell yeah i do. and i don't give a damn! woo hoo!

so out of all this god awful rambling - what can i really say? what do i really know?

well - i know that tomorrow - i'll wake up.

i'll do whatever it is i need to do or whatever that comes up or maybe even not do anything at all...

then i'll eventually go to sleep and then wake up again and the cycle will continue till the day God decides, "ENOUGH. THAT'S IT."

things might change. it might change cause of me or cause of something else.

i just feel like shit now.


signing off, the common jack amongst the kings and queens...


Unknown said...

jgn la.... aku pigi sajer ko dah emo dah... aku janji aku balek ok? jgn nangis..

EeEdOwRaH said...

anyone ordered a singing fat lady? hehehe...sila ambil nombor untuk mendapatkan perkhidmatan segera untuk mengakhiri penyakit anda. sekian harap maklum...


Unknown said...

i like your Just-Do-It attitude

michaelcsm said...

haha - thanks. but at the time i wrote this entry - it wasnt because of a 'justdoit' attitude - it was more of a...'ah f**k it...'
