Sunday, November 06, 2005

food for thought... what you'll read below is probably rather cheesy...but i like it.

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this 1st one is taken from the movie Second Hand Lions. this is a conversation between the character Walter (played by Haley Joel Osment - far left of pic above) and his Great Uncle Hub (played by Robert Duvall - far right in pic above). and for those of you who give a damn, Michael Caine is Walter's other Great Uncle Garth (in the middle).


Great Unlce Hub: If you want to believe in something,then believe in it. Just because something isn't true,that's no reason you can't believe it.

Walter: Alright.

Great Uncle Hub: There's a long speech I give to young men, sounds like you need to hear a piece of it. Just a piece.
Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things that a man needs to believe in the most.
That people are basically good; that honour... courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and I want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies.
You remember that, boy. You remember that.
Doesn't matter if it's true or not. You see, a man should believe in those things, because... those are the things worth believing in.
Got that?

Walter: That was a good speech.


if you want to read more of the Second Hand Lions Script ... (click here).


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Riddick (played by Vin Diesel in pic above)

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Imam (played by Keith David in pic above)

2nd thought is from the movie Pitch Black. (click on movie title for a relatively cool website on the movie.)

the thought that is addressed is - Riddick is supposed to be this bad ass mofo who kills without hesitation - cold blooded - mean as hell - grew up in touch neighbourhoods - had a hard life being a would think he wouldn't be the kind of person to believe in God innit? but check out this exchange between Riddick and Imam.

Riddick: What are you doing?

Imam: Blessing you like the others. It's painless.

Riddick: And pointless.

Imam: (beat) I see. Well, even if you don't believe in God. That doesn't mean HE won't be ...

Riddick: You don't see. 'Cause you don't spend half your life in lock-down with a horse bit in your mouth and not believe. And you surely don't start out in a liquor store trash bin with an umbilical cord wrapped around your neck and not believe. Oh absolutely, I believe in God. And I absolutely hate the f**ker.

Imam: HE will be with us nonetheless.

Riddick: Give my blessing to the girl...she'll need the spare.


i would say that a guy who's been through shit like a character such as Riddick went through and still believes - shows that he truly believes. now that there's faith. some would say that he should then be thankful and that saying something like, '...absolutely hate...' is well, for the lack of a better word, inappropriate. but then again, think about it, he didn't say he wasn't thankful.

forget about Riddick. think about a person who has had life hard. i mean really, really hard. and he still believes. the fact that he is still alive (and hopefully well) and still believes despite going through 'hell on earth' for most of his life shows that he is in actual fact, thankful. his thanks is shown through conduct - ie the fact that he still believes.

that there is what i call, "real".

oh well, that's it for now.

signing off, the commonjack.

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