Friday, April 01, 2005

interesting thoughts...

it's 1.44 am.

or more like thoughts that i'm sure you've come across b4 but just worded slightly differently.

" ... it's better to belong where you don't belong than not to belong where you used to belong, remembering when you used to belong there."

how true. either way you look at it - it's a bad situation. the best thing to do is to move on. and find out how you fit in the 'new' place where you feel like you don't belong there and somehow 'belong' there. that's life.

"he just looked like someone who had been frightened for so long it had become apart of his life, like freckles."

i find this to be one of the saddest things to witness. to actually meet someone who has been frightened for so long - it becomes all there is. what else is there? i watched a scene in thi3teen - quite a good movie btw(google it if you wanna know more about it lah) - it showed the protagonist of the movie (ie the 13 year old girl) who had grown so far apart from her mother - that when all the shit had hit the fan and the mother tried to reach out for her...she cringed when the mother tried to touch her.

the feeling of being cared for - being loved - was so alien to her - she became frightened of it. she was frightened of being cared for. she was frightened of being loved. she was frightened for so long. it became apart of her. ( - like freckles. it's just there. nothing you can do to freckles - barring plastic surgery lah - but other than that - it's just there.)

btw - the 2 phrases that instigated this entry was lifted from a marvellous Terry Pratchett book i'm reading now - THE WEE FREE MEN: the fightin', thievin', tiny blue-skinned pictsies who were thrown out of Fairyland for being Drunk and Disorderly... -.

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and to end this entry with yet another Pratchett line ... "reality is a quality that things possess in the same way that they possess, say, weight. some people are more 'real' than others, for example."

rights. that's the end of this one.

signing off, the commonjack.


CJ said...

i don't know if you'd ever read this comment. but this quote simply moved me.
" ... it's better to belong where you don't belong than not to belong where you used to belong, remembering when you used to belong there."
i'm still trying to move on, see...

michaelcsm said...


hey...i lost the link to your blogsite lah. hook me up will ya? :)

on another note, it's a cool quote eh? yeah - it's a part of life i s'pose. it hit me too - when i read it because "i feel like i don't belong where i used to belong - remembering when i used to belong there."

it's not a pretty picture. oh well - 'shit happens - just gotta deal with it.'

take care ya.