Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Feel what you wanna feel / Do what you wanna do.

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'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed
When not to be receives reproach of being,
And the just pleasure lost,
which is so deemed Not by our feeling,
but by others' seeing.
For why should others' false adulterate eyes
Give salutation to my sportive blood?
Or on my frailties why are frailer spies,
Which in their wills count bad what I think good?
No, I am that I am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own.
I may be straight though they themselves be bevel.
By their rank thoughts, my deeds must not be shown,
Unless this general evil they maintain: All men are bad, and in their badness reign.

malats like to say, "don't let other people determine your level of fun!" for f**ks sake - if you wanna go fish at a pond at 12 am till 6 am and sleep through the whole damn day ... go lah! who gives a shit if todays bloomin' crowd of youth who all try to be cool by hanging out at night clubs drinking, spending money, listen to the latest music and are so called in tune with the latest pop-culture think its "uncool"?

(note: for reference to what a 'malat' is - take the quizzes on HabitualDamnation's blog - or just click on 'malats' above.)

i shall now proceed to give you a 'line by line' interpretation of the sonnet above:-

'Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed
my interpretation of this Shakespeare creation is "be yourself". people are gonna think what they wanna think. so if they think that what you are doing is 'vile' - then go ahead and be 'vile' lah.

When not to be receives reproach of being
because the harder you try not to be 'vile' in their eyes - they are gonna keep thinking the same thing anyway.

And the just pleasure lost,
which is so deemed Not by our feeling,
but by others' seeing

and then you lose whatever joy you are entitled to derive from participating in the event or doing whatever it is you wanted to do or feeling whatever it is you wanted to feel. and you lose this fundamental right in the worst way possible - not because you came to the conclusion that what you were doing / feeling was wrong or not appropriate but because some dick / c**t decided for you.

For why should others' false adulterate eyes
Give salutation to my sportive blood?
Or on my frailties why are frailer spies,

Which in their wills count bad what I think good?
what gives these dicks / c**ts the right to decide or even judge me? he who casts the 1st stone better be damn sure he himself / herself is without sin or be ready to accept stones to be f**kin' belted back! because heck - there are people whom i deem to be in a position to judge me as a person and this list is a short one. it should be a short one for everybody. but the one with the end say is yourself. don't let another 'frailer' spy on your frailties unless you think he / she has a right to do so. it's up to you.

No, I am that I am, and they that level
At my abuses reckon up their own.

you are the way you are and whomsof**kingever tries to judge you is putting themselves up for judgement at the table or reckoning.

I may be straight though they themselves be bevel.
By their rank thoughts, my deeds must not be shown,

besides - for all you know - you may be the one who did the right thing - you may be the one taking the higher road although it may not seem that way at that time. and they are the ones who are wrong. don't let someone who has already judged you to be 'vile' long before you did anything or someone who doesn't really know you or understand the situation determine the value of your own actions / feelings. they are in no position to evaluate the value of your 'deeds'.

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Unless this general evil they maintain: All men are bad, and in their badness reign.
they can however cast judgement on you if they admit 1st and foremost their own frailties ie admitting that 'all men are bad and in their badness reign'. if they judge you from a position of a peer ie they are not better than you but neither are they in a lower esteem from you - then a person is entitled to a valid opinion.

that being said - here's one of my own quotes - modified from variations of the same thing, "an opinion is like an arsehole - everybody has one."


further note: the above interpretation is entirely my own - it may not be academically correct. but i don't give a shit if it is.
it is the way it is - to me. btw: 'sportive blood' in the context of the Shakespeare sonnet is actually sexual in nature. just thought you might wanna know that.
in my own interpretation - i conveniently left that out because in my own interpretation - i've given 'sportive blood' a broad definition.

leave an opinion if you like - everybody has gotta have one. *grin.

signing off - the commonjack.

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