Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The 'Director' in me.

Dec 18th: The same day of my graduation - my brother brought back his Sony DV camera for me to use.

Before that day, I had wanted to shoot an idea for a short that I wanted to do as my 1st foray into film-making. The idea was aptly named "Crazy 8" - which is basically a short about a guy who could tell the future using a 'magic 8-ball'. I wrote it in less than an hour after thinking about it for several weeks. With specific friends in mind for each role, I wrote the entire thing seated on the floor while the crew was shooting something else. (I was the driver for the day and as such was not needed during the shoot.)

So, since Tuako (my eldest bro) was coming to KL from Singapore to attend my graduation. I told him to bring his camera along. No tripod though - this may be a problem. Also, I haven't figured out how to use the camera properly. Definitely a problem.

That aside, I read about BMW Shorties and decided that I want to concentrate on this first. I was a bit apprehensive about the whole idea in the beginning. After all, I don't even know how to use all the equipment that I have in hand. Like my brother's camera. And I've never edited before! (I bought and installed the latest Adobe Premiere editing programme into my computer.) On top of that, I don't know the first thing about using this programme. I suspect editing will be the toughest part of this whole experience.

Anyway, I thought about it, and decided, 'What the heck' - I'm gonna jump into this head first and see whether I float or not. I have enlisted Davina to be my main Actor - I think she looks amazing on camera, so I'm glad I've got her on board. And I feel like I have a strong story to tell. As long as I script it properly and then storyboard it properly and then shoot it properly and then edit it properly - it should make for a great watch. haha

All I am aiming for is to be shortlisted as the top 10. If I make it there - I'll be more than happy. If I don't - I haven't lost anything. :)

We had our first meeting on Christmas Eve and it lasted from 11am till about 5pm. Anrie came in halfway and she is now my "Creative Consultant".

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

So, this is how madness looks like at the very beginning.

So far, I've spent about rm10 on buying the Adobe Premiere Prog. And thats it.

At least it's not costing me money yet. :) Alright - I'm out.

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