Saturday, February 11, 2006

Going North 2.

2 shows down and just 2 more to go. and thus far, the response has been good. as briefly mentioned in "New Chen", opening night was sold out. the 2nd show, i believe ... there were about 130 odd people (give or take 10) out of a capacity of 180.

so, i'd say that's pretty damn good and Sunday's matinee is already sold out!

meaning to say, if you haven't got a ticket for SATURDAY, 8.30pm!! quick! while you still have a chance...walk in and buy. take a chance...

but for the benefit of some of you who really won't be able to make it. i'll post up some pictures here lah...

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this is the whole cast.

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this is me in full gear.

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'everybody' plus a good view of the set...which i think is really old skool...

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get a ticket to 'Go North'?

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beware the station master...

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the Special rifle eh?

and for more pictures...go to this link ...

fyi - most of the set and costumes (especially) are all authentic and taken from the museum. the clock hanging behind the ticket sign for example...the posters are replicas of the real thing...and in the Station Master's office, there are loads of cool stuff...but i didn't take a picture of those though.

so come lah. see firsthand...

i'm out...

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