Saturday, February 18, 2006

The whole point...

initially, when i first started blogging way back (during my mblog days) ... possibly 3 years ago, i generally kept my blog a secret. not really in a proper way (ie not telling anybody at all) but i didn't go around telling everyone about it either.

i told a few people about it. but very few of the 'few' i told visit my blog anyway (to my knowledge lah). so, i didn't really mind telling the people i told about it.

thus, at first, the stuff i wrote about on my blog ranged from family to studies to work to everything else in between but i basically focused on all the shit i have floating in my head - sometimes revealing something very private but in a very 'round-about' manner so that only a few of the 'few' would get it. there was also the ultimate goal of maybe stirring life changing epitomes but upon retrospect, i think most of my ramblings on 'life in general' was mostly self masturbatory.

after writing for a while, i realised that most of that 'shit' i had floating in my head was mostly 'depresssing'. so, i figured, 'this is healthy. i have a place i can release all my depressing thoughts.' i has to be right?

as such, i kept at it. whenever i had something depressing that was bugging me. i blogged about it. i didn't have to bottle it up inside. i had an avenue to release. and i wouldn't have to bore someone else to listen to me talk all depressing and shit.

then it hit me one day, 'i don't feel like talking about it to anybody.'

see what i said? i could have said i don't have any friends or any family...bla bla...but no. i chose to say 'i don't feel like talking about it to anybody.'

that's gotta be the key.


man...i've really gone off tangent. this entry was supposed to be geared towards one question.

"The whole point my blogging was so that I could talk about 'depressing' shit that bugged me. But I've recently made this blog known to a lot of people. Should I still talk about the real depressing shit that bugs me?"

to whoever who reads this,

What do you think?

in that vein, i shall give some examples of some real depressing shit (that i may or may not want people in general to know about...) but which i have already gotten past, so i don't care if people know anymore...

1. Fear.
2. You.
3. Giving Up.
4. I've Got Issues.
5. YOU win.
6. Feeling Depressed?
7. What Can I Say? Shit Happens, deal with it.
8. How To Get To Where I'm At.
9. Alone.
10. Humour Me.
11. This Can't Be It.

that's it.

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