Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Bad Day.

it's 5.30 pm.

it's been a bad day. i won't go on to disseminate what it is that went wrong today. because, i'm just not that type of blogger but also because 'nothing in particular' went wrong today. meaning to say, it's not that my computer went kaput, or that i had car problems, or that i had a fight with someone etc.

but it's been a bad day in the sense that when i woke up this morning - i didn't really expect anything to happen. good or bad. i suppose i was probably hoping on something good. but didn't really put much thought into it. then things in general have happened today (once again - nothing really specific) but nothing 'good' in that sense of the word - i guess a better way of putting it would be to say that nothing today has happened(thus far) that's naturally put a smile on my face.

so here i am - in the midst of menial household chores - feeling like crap.

this sucks. i'm out.

signing off, the common jack amongst the kings and queens...

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