Monday, March 07, 2005


it's 3.31 am. i'm on a roll tonight ... another entry!

the following is an extract from the movie MEET JOE BLACK (definitely one of my fav movies of all time!): (of course this is from memory so it's not verbatim - but the gist is there.)

JOE(Brad Pitt's character aka DEATH) - J & OTHER GUY(can't remember his name) _ OG...

J: allison loves you doesn't she? just like you love her.

OG: (nods his head)

J: how do you know? how do you know that allison loves you?

OG:'s cause she knows the worst thing about me and it's ok. she knows my deepest darkest secret and (beat) it's ok. she still loves me.

J: so...what's your deepest darkest secret?

OG: it's not any ONE thing in particular. it's an idea ... a, once you know the worst thing about someone, then you know almost everything there is to know about that person - and then you're free.

J: Free?

OG: Free to just love the other person without any inhibitions. it's just no holds barred, out and out pure love. no secrets ... no nothing're free to love.

that's an interesting way to look at it innit? when i think about it that way - then i've never really been loved before then. admittedly, i'm not sure if i've ever devulged a deep dark secret of mine to someone but that's because i don't really have one.

however, i have shown myself at my weakest to a 'select few' and i suppose that could be akin to devulging a deep dark secret to someone. thus, with reference to the above - that means i have 'loved' someone before.

but applying this same test, that means i've not really been loved in return. well, this is of course referring to 'some' of the people in the 'select few' class of people and it is indeed a small(very small) class made up of very, very few people.

Oh well, this is depressing.

signing off, the commonjack.

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