Friday, January 06, 2006

Going North

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and so it begins. i'm in another play. (woo hoo! whoopee! yabadabadoo! - secretly jumping about inside but trying to look cool on the outside.)

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it's called "Going North". i've got a small role (but of couese there's no such thing as a small role lah...just small actors right? *Grin). the rehearsal schedule doesn't clash with my classes too much. and it looks like a nice play to be a part of.

i had to turn down another play which i was offered because the timing is bad - it clashes with my revision time as well as being dangerously close to my final exams. priorities...priorities...f**k. i just want to get law done and over with.

this is a bad attitude innit? oh well, this site is for me to rant about how i feel there.

CLick on GOING NORTH for more details. if you guys are around and interested...get a ticket. come and watch. and i'll see you there.

signing off, the commonjack.

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