Tuesday, September 06, 2005

the results fiasco continues.

monday came. no results. i decided to get in touch with someone in London. tried calling. nobody picked up. so i sent an email. i received the reply in the afternoon. i was told to get in touch with the M'sian Examinations Syndicate. i called up my college and they gave me a number.

tried calling and couldn't get through. so, today i drove to the Examinations Syndicate building over at Jalan Duta. turns out, they've moved to Putrajaya! i wasn't about to take a 45 minute drive there and take another 45 mins back! so i asked for a number to call and called.

took me about 15 mins to explain to the clueless person on the other side of the line what it is i wanted - only to be told that they had received the results from London but have only just posted them to the relevant recepients (such as moi) yesterday!

"do you all have a copy of the results?" i ask.

"no." they answer.

"so how?" i ask.

"wait lah." they say.

f**king hell.

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