Friday, September 09, 2005

this is for the boys.

boys - we're all f**ked up in some way or another. we all know it. but the cool thing is - we don't really give a shit about that. we're all very different and it's becoming even more apparent these days than ever before. our personalities seem to clash and if you put our characteristics down on paper - it's a wonder we've all been friends for this long.

but as much as we clash - we blend well.

we never cared when other 'normal' people thought us useless or 'weird' or whatever negatives then can be thought up ... life was OK.

from the days when it was just a small group of us in Alisan, before we could drive, before we had work, before leaving school ... to the days when the small group became a bigger group at Zahir when all of us could drive and some of us had to work and all of us had left school ... and now.

this is a small tribute to all of you - people who i knew as boys and now are all becoming men. may life return to you guys all the 'companionship', 'ties' and 'connection' that all of you gave to me.

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thanks boys. you know who you are.

p/s: i just put up random photos lah. sorry guys - don't really have that many photos of all of us in my comp. i ain't the one with the digital camera. no favouritism going on here. heh.


Alysia S. said...
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Alysia S. said...

why is it everyone gets the cool poses ie. bob's nigga pose, david with the gun, etc etc while johan gets a stuffed toy.