Sunday, May 14, 2006

Success AND Luck.

had a rough night last night. tossing and turning in bed. anxious and scared. was in bed at about close to 1am. but couldn't get to the actual 'sleeping' bit. i gave up. i got up and turned on the tv. i watched Sleepers on Astro. i almost forgot about how much i liked that movie.

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some exerps from the movie,

Lorenzo: "This is a true story of how friendships run deeper than blood. This is my story of the only three friends in my life that have truly mattered. Two of them were killers that never made it past the age of 30. The other is a non-practicing attorney, living within the pain of his past, too afraid to let go, finding reassurance instead of confronting its horror. I was the only one that could speak for them, and for the children we were."

Fat Mancho: "You want a Rolls-Royce, you don't come here, no no. You go to England, or wherever the fuck they make it. If you want champagne, you go see the French. If you need money, you find a Jew. But, if you want dirt, or scum buried under a rock somewhere, or some secret nobody wants anybody to know about, there's only one place to go: right here, Hell's Kitchen. It is the lost and found of shit. They lose it and we find it. Forget about it, man."

but i'm not going to talk about Sleepers.

(click on *Sleepers above and visit the website if you have the time.)

after finishing the movie at about 3.40 am - i tried to sleep again. as i was lying in bed, a thought occured to me. and it's now 3.05 pm - i'm still thinking about it. i figured i'd get it off my chest before i hit the books again.

i think there is a difference between a Successful person and a Lucky person. (this may seem obvious to most - but hey, i just decided to put it into words.)

Successful person: in many cases (though not necessarily so in all circumstances), a successful person is someone who can set aside whatever personal problems he or she may have and just perform whatever task incumbent on them. and not just perform it in a rudimentary sense, but whole-heartedly as if he/she actually wanted to do it and enjoyed doing it. in effect, that person would 'just do it' and 'do it well'. whether or not it was something he/she wanted to do, well - quite frankly, is not the point. the point is to actually just do it really well.

Lucky person: in this case, a Lucky person would end up doing what he/she enjoys doing more than anything in the world. and he/she would also be doing it better than anybody else! so well in fact, that he/she would be able to carve a living out of it. (and if he/she is really lucky, then he/she would also be making lots and lots of money!)

contrary to the popular belief that if you enjoy doing what you're doing, you will be excellent at it - i don't think that that is always the case. for example, many people love singing. but that doesn't necessarily mean they're any good. forget about being excellent at it or actually making any kind of living from it.


now, taking my interpretation above as accurate. the observation one can make is that it takes a whole lot more to be a Succesful person. taking away nothing from the Lucky person who deserves everything he/she can get - a Successful person merely has to be given a lot more credit.

for in my opinion (yeah, yeah - i know everybody has one), a Successful person is a lot stronger. for he/she would be someone you can count on under almost any circumstance.

i could elaborate further, but that would be a mere act of *pleonasm. i'm sure you get the picture.

*Pleonasm is the use of more words than necessary to express an idea. The word comes originally from Greek πλεονασμóς ("excess").

one of my own personal pet peeves (regarding my own personal characteristics), is that thus far, i have not proven myself strong enough to be a Successful person.

but i guess i'm stubborn that way, cause i'll keep trying. that means i won't shy away from something just cause i don't like doing it. if it is a task incumbent on me, i will face it head on regardless of whether i'd do terribly or not. i'll figure out how to be strong enough one day.

and who knows? maybe along the way, i'll get Lucky. grin.

sigining off, the commonjack.

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